Oxfords and Oysters

We are SO proud to announce that we have been asked to be a sponsor at an upcoming super swanky event called Oxfords and Oysters! Oxfords and Oysters is a first annual event benefiting the Oyster Recovery Partnership.

The event will be held in Baltimore, Maryland September 18th and looks like LOADS of fun!!! Click here to get your tickets!

We feel so honored that they picked us and are looking forward to attending and meeting the entire Sky Blue Events team! Check out the other sponsors! WOO HOO!

Of course they are giving away an INCREDIBLE swag bag (as any good event does), and we are thrilled to be donating an item ourselves!

And without further adieu, we introduce to you an oh so swanky and preppy, exclusive item!

The Harbour Tray

Now if we could just find that perfect dress!!! Of course…more pictures to come!

Nico and Lala

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