Look Who's Blowing into the WINDY CITY!!!!!
That is right, people! These two southern girls are headed NORTH for the winter...and then some! We are so excited and counting down the TWO days we have left here in Nashville!
Now, that being said, we would like to introduce you to our assistant and basically RIGHT ARM, Allyson Camp! How precious is she? Allyson has worked for us behind the scenes for over a year now and we literally could NOT do what we do and keep up with the madness without her. And we are not just saying that..Her job description is definitely unconventional, but who ever said conventional was good, right??!?!

We have decided, yes, we want to move and try some city life for a while, but we still 1. need Allyson and 2. need a Nashville office! So, Allyson will be running the show from an office here in Nashville, and Nico and Lala, will be in a design studio in the Gold Coast of CHICAGO!!!
We are so excited about what this new adventure will mean for our inspiration and creative spirits, the growth of our company, and our wardrobes!!!!!!!! HA! Chicago just has SUCH fabulous shopping! Now we need to start putting those nickels and dimes away for a fur so we don't freeze our butts off! :)
So, the long and short of it is, we have a FABULOUS new design studio two blocks from Michigan Avenue that we cannot wait to make our own, are blessed with an employee who has stood behind us (and with us) on our crazy decisions, a new apartment (that we literally have NEVER EVEN SEEN), and FABULOUS customers who allow us to embrace the freedom we have at this point in our lives to GO LIVE OUR DREAMS.
We feel a little nostalgic as we write this about where we are headed and where we have come! We truly, truly could not do this without the support of you all and we hope you understand that girls just need to do things like this sometimes. Our families are a little weary, our friends have encouraged it, and we honestly could not be more thrilled about blowing into the Windy City, and what the future holds for these swanky and southern girls!

Nico and Lala
Now, that being said, we would like to introduce you to our assistant and basically RIGHT ARM, Allyson Camp! How precious is she? Allyson has worked for us behind the scenes for over a year now and we literally could NOT do what we do and keep up with the madness without her. And we are not just saying that..Her job description is definitely unconventional, but who ever said conventional was good, right??!?!

We have decided, yes, we want to move and try some city life for a while, but we still 1. need Allyson and 2. need a Nashville office! So, Allyson will be running the show from an office here in Nashville, and Nico and Lala, will be in a design studio in the Gold Coast of CHICAGO!!!
We are so excited about what this new adventure will mean for our inspiration and creative spirits, the growth of our company, and our wardrobes!!!!!!!! HA! Chicago just has SUCH fabulous shopping! Now we need to start putting those nickels and dimes away for a fur so we don't freeze our butts off! :)
So, the long and short of it is, we have a FABULOUS new design studio two blocks from Michigan Avenue that we cannot wait to make our own, are blessed with an employee who has stood behind us (and with us) on our crazy decisions, a new apartment (that we literally have NEVER EVEN SEEN), and FABULOUS customers who allow us to embrace the freedom we have at this point in our lives to GO LIVE OUR DREAMS.
We feel a little nostalgic as we write this about where we are headed and where we have come! We truly, truly could not do this without the support of you all and we hope you understand that girls just need to do things like this sometimes. Our families are a little weary, our friends have encouraged it, and we honestly could not be more thrilled about blowing into the Windy City, and what the future holds for these swanky and southern girls!

Nico and Lala
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